Be with the Sadiqeen

"O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be with those who are true"

Qur`an 9:119

And from the Shaykh al-`Arabi Ad-Darqawi qadasa Allaahu ruhahu,

Faqir, safety lies in fleeing from all people except those who state is uplifting and whose words direct a person to Allah because people are ignorant of the Sunna of their Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and ignorant of their ignorance. We seek refuge with Allah! This ignorance is so great and immense that whenever they see someone who abuses his nafs, demeans it, humbles and humiliates, who is not concerned with it, and turns away from this world and its people, they look down on him, belittle him, are repulsed by him, and despise him, and declare themselves far from him. They hate him because they do not think that he is acting according to the Sunna. They think that he has innovation. They do not know that the door of the Sunna of Muhammad is that which he is following, may Allah be pleased with him, and that what they have is actually the innovation. The reason behind this state of theirs is that the sensory has overwhelmed them and taken possession of their hearts and limbs. It has left them deaf, dumb and blind. They have no intellect. How extraordinary! The realities have been turned upside down so that the Sunna becomes innovation and innovation becomes the Sunna! The blind man starts describing the Path to the one who is just like him. "We belong to Allah and to Him we return." There is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Immense."

"And invoke the name of thy Lord and leave every concern and remain attentive to Him."
(Surah 73, Ayah 8)

This Path

"He who dies without having entered into this knowledge of ours dies insisting upon his grave sins (kaba'ir) without realizing it."

Imam AbulHasan as-Shadhili radi Allaahu ta'Ala `anhu

...There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.


كن مع الله تر الله معك
النس نيام فإذا ماتو استيقظوا

"Mankind is asleep and when they die they awaken!"

الامام علی رضي الله عنه

" Surely they shall not avail you in the least against Allah; and surely the unjust are friends of each other, and Allah is the guardian of those who guard (against evil)."

According to Arabic Lexicon this attribute of Allaahu ta`ala is described as the only One who becomes the protector and guardian of people who are righteous and guard the Divine Laws .

Ism Al-Mufrad

Shaykh Abu Yazid Al-Bistami, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: I was for twelve years the blacksmith of my ego (haddadu nafsi), then for five years I became the mirror of my heart (mir'atu qalbi), then for a year I looked at what lay between the two of them and I saw around me a visible belt [i.e. of kufr = the vestmentary sign of a non- Muslim subject of the Islamic state]. So I strove to cut it for twelve years and then looked again, and I saw around me a hidden belt. So I worked to cut it for five years, looking to see how to cut. Then it was unveiled for me (kushifa li) and I looked at creation and saw that they were all dead. So I recited the funeral prayer over them."
Shaykh Yusuf ibn al-Husayn radi Allaahu `anh said,

"The rarest thing in the world is sincerity. How much do I
strive to get rid of
showing off from my heart and it's as if it sprouts up in it with another color."

Beautiful saying

"The real devotional reciation (dhikr) has to do with what is tranquilized, that is, the heart, and what is revealed in the spiritual relalities of the clouds of illimination, on the clouds of Ar-Rabb (The Lord)."

Al-Qutb Al-Aqtab Imam AbulHasan Ash-Shadhili qadasa Allaahu ruhahu

(The mystical teachings of al-Shadhili)

Company one keeps

لا تصحب من لا ينهضك حاله و لا يدلك عللی الله مقاله

"Do not accompany him whose state does not lift you nor his words guide you to Allah."

Sayyiduna Shaykh Ibn `Ata Allaah qadasa Allaahu ruhahu

And from the Shaykh al-`Arabi Ad-Darqawi qadasa Allaahu ruhahu,

Faqir, safety lies in fleeing from all people except those who state is uplifting and whose words direct a person to Allah because people are ignorant of the Sunna of their Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and ignorant of their ignorance. We seek refuge with Allah! This ignorance is so great and immense that whenever they see someone who abuses his nafs, demeans it, humbles and humiliates, who is not concerned with it, and turns away from this world and its people, they look down on him, belittle him, are repulsed by him, and despise him, and declare themselves far from him. They hate him because they do not think that he is acting according to the Sunna. They think that he has innovation. They do not know that the door of the Sunna of Muhammad is that which he is following, may Allah be pleased with him, and that what they have is actually the innovation. The reason behind this state of theirs is that the sensory has overwhelmed them and taken possession of their hearts and limbs. It has left them deaf, dumb and blind. They have no intellect. How extraordinary! The realities have been turned upside down so that the Sunna becomes innovation and innovation becomes the Sunna! The blind man starts describing the Path to the one who is just like him. "We belong to Allah and to Him we return." There is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Immense."

Essence of Abstinence

You who are kept in pawn to food,
you can be free if you suffer yourself to be weaned,
Truly in hunger there is abundant nourishment:
search after it diligently and cherish the hope of finding it.
Feed on the Light, be like the eye,
be in harmony with the angels,
O best of humankind.
Like the Angel,
make glorification of God your sustenance.

See how the hand is invisible while the pen is writing;
the horse careening, yet the rider is unseen;
the arrow flying, but the bow out of sight;
individual souls existing,
while is Soul of the souls is hidden.

Don't strive so much to complete your worldly affairs;
don't strive in any affair that's not sacred.

Otherwise at the end. you'll leave incomplete,
your spiritual affairs damaged and your bread unbaked.

The beautifying of your grave isn't done
by means of wood and stone and plaster;

no, but by digging your grave in spiritual purity
and burying your own selfhood in His (mission),

and by becoming His dust, buried in love of Him,
so that from His breath, yours may be replenished.

The smell of pride and greed and lust
will betray you when you speak
as much as the onions you have eaten.

Many prayers are rejected because of their smell;
the corrupt heart reveals itself in the tongue.
But if your meaning is pure,
God (may) accept even your clumsy expression.

Ahmad Sam’ani [Rawh al-arwah, p.312]



1. In the Place of refuge my heart sought refuge,
shot with enmity's arrows.
2. O Mercy of Allah for His slaves, Allah placed His trust
in you among all inanimate forms.
3. O House of my Lord, O light of my heart,
O coolness of my eyes,b O my heart within,
4. O true secret of the heart of existence,
my sacred trust, my purest love!
5. O direction from which I turn from every quarter and valley,
6. From subsistence in the Real, then from the height,
from self-extinction, then from the depths!
7. O Ka`ba of Allah, O my life,
O path of good fortune, O my guidance,
8. In you has Allah placed every safety
from the fear of disaster upon the Return.
9. In you does the noble Station flourish,
in you are found the fortunes of Allah's slaves.
10. In you is the Right Hand that my sin has draped
in the robe of blackness.c
11. Multazam is in you - he who clings to love for it,
will be saved on the Day of Mutual Cries.d
12. Souls passed away longing for Her,
in the pain of longing and distant separation.
13. In sorrow at their news she has put on
the garment of mourning.e
14. Allah sheds His light on her court,
and something of His light appears in the heart.
15. None sees it but the sorrowful
whose eyes are dark from lack of sleep.
16. He circumambulates seven times after seven,
from the beginning of night until the call to prayer.
17. Hostage to endless sadness, he is never seen
but bound to effort.
18. I heard him call upon Allah and say, beside the Black
Stone: "O my heart!
19. Our night has quickly passed,
but the goal of my love has not passed!"

Shaykh MuhyidDin Ibn `Arabi in his futuhat
(Translation by Shaykh GF Haddad on

Tomb of As-Shaykh Al-Akbar Qadasa Allaahu sirahu

On Patience

Once Sidi Abu Bakr Ash-Shibli qadasa Allaahu sirahu was thrown into the hospital. A group came to him, He asked, "Who are you?" "Your lovers," they replied. He began to stone them. They fled. He said, "You claim to love, so be patient in my affliction!"

A smile that illuminated hearts

Wisdom of Imam Abul Hasan as-Shadhili

"My Beloved commanded me, 'Do not move your feet except where you hope for the reward of Allah and do not sit except where you are generally safe from disobeying Allah and do not choose for yourself other than the one who provides you with certainty. And they are very few indeed."

He also said, "Do not accompany the one who prefers his nafs to you. He is blameworthy. Do not accompany the one who prefers you to himself. He is rarely constant. Rather keep the company of the one who, when he remembers, remembers Allah. Allah enriches by him when he is present and represents him when he is absent. His dhikr illuminates the hearts and his witnessing is the keys of the unseen worlds."

Tomb Mawlay Abd asSalam Ibn Mashish

Allaah `aza wa jal

"Take Allaah as thy companion and leave mankind alone."

Sayyidina Ibrahim Adham rahimahu Allaah wa radi `anh

Enter The Darqawa

"Ya Man Tureedu Ad-Dawa, Wa Tareeqata Al-Khalwa, Udkhul Himaa Darqawa, Humu Ahlu Tarbiyah"

Sidi Shaykh Muhammad bin Yallas Qadasa Allaahu ta'Ala Ruhahu